How does it all work?
Our FAQs answer all your questions about virtual assistant services and how it all works.
What type of admin services do you offer?
We offer a huge range of admin services, to name but a few...
Copy typing, data input, correspondence, Christmas Card writing, postage, photocopying, printing, record keeping, digital filing, proofreading, newsletters, organisation, formatting, and you name it we probably do it!
How do you work?
We work on a pay as you go basis, unless you ask otherwise. So when we do a task for you, we press play on our time keeping software and record what we are doing, who we are doing it for. When we finish the task, we press stop. So, when we invoice you, you will receive an Log of Hours along with your invoice, so you can see exactly what we've been doing.
Do you have a contract?
Yes, we have a contract and data protection agreement that you will need to fill in and sign before we start working together. This is in place to protect us and to protect you. It also ensures that we are working in a GDPR and data protection compliant way and adhere to the IR35 regulations.
Do i need to worrry about IR35?
Our Virtual Assistant services mean that you won't fall foul of IR35. Because we work with our own equipment, on our own premises, we choose our hours of work and we work as a self-employed supplier, we are on the right side of IR35. As a business though, it is always best to check this for yourself, as we do with each new client we take on. You can find out more information about this here.
Do you travel or come out to our work place?
No. We carry out all our work from our own offices.